What Is SEO Content? A Guide to Creating Content for SEO

What Is SEO Content?

SEO is the process of optimizing a website so that the audience can easily find it via search engines. 

SEO makes your website more visible and helps in increasing traffic, and opportunities to convert prospects into customers. It is a master key strategy for the upcoming bloggers and other website owners to generate more profits and traffic for their websites.

Why Is SEO Writing Important?

Writing SEO content is important because it brings more potential customers to your site. 

Search engine optimization helps small business owners create robust, fast, and user-friendly websites that rank higher in search engines which also helps in bringing more qualified potential customers to their sides and eventually increases conversion rates as well.

SEO Content Types

By SEO content we mean any fact or piece of information that lives on the web and can be consumed on the internet.

Product pages- 

Product pages are an essential element of any retail E-Commerce site. A good product page can serve as both a PPC landing page and SEO content.

Product pages are known for describing a product or service on a website. 

This can include text videos Demos etc. A product page plays a very important role in a website,

It can either get more traffic or result in losing customers. The sole intention of a good product page should include all the important details of the product which would convince a customer to purchase it.

Blog posts-

Blogs are very much in trend these days. To create a regular stream of effective SEO content, a blog is one of the easiest ways. Blog posts are generally very engaging and more likely to attract customers. Optimizing your blog posts can be helpful for your website. 

 Get your blog noticed by following these steps- 

  • Conduct proper keyword research there are many techniques and tools which can help you in finding relevant keywords for your blog posts.

  • Optimize your images whenever you upload any photo on your blog. 

  • Including free subscription buttons, can allow your readers to subscribe to your blog. 

  • Allow your followers to have instant notification of all your latest posts and try social media marketing for better reach.


As we all have seen that there are few videos on the web than pages of text. So it can be easy to rank on the first page by creating a video instead of an article, depending upon the type of site or business you run. 

Videos always help in increasing the online visibility of brands and increase rankings. People like to stay on websites that have more videos and lesser texts.

Therefore videos can be a great way to attract and reach your audience. Consider creating video tutorials of how to use your product by illustrating the process.


Infographics are nothing but large-format images that contain a lot of data on a single subject often in the form of charts, graphs, visual data, and statistics. 

Infographics help in representing your message in a very effective and appealing manner which results in more attention from your users.

Slideshows -

We all have seen slide shows in a presentation Similarly a slideshow is a way to display a series of related images. Pictures are generally more appealing than text. So in order to make your content appealing, you can try slideshows. 

How to build SEO Content Strategy

Even if your content is creative and engaging, a lack of proper SEO content strategy can ruin your hard work and efforts. 

Content strategy can basically help you to create meaningful and appropriate content for your website.

To build an effective SEO content strategy you can follow these steps to refine and define your SEO content strategy.

  • Step 1- define your goals-

Before starting any business online or offline your goals must be clear. Your strategies must be implemented according to your business type. For example, if your blog focuses on fashion and lifestyle then make sure to be updated with the upcoming trends. Your main focus should be attractive and informative product pages.

  • Step 2 - consider your audience- 

It is important to know your audience's tastes and preferences and you can do this by conducting surveys. Analytics software can help you to get a better picture of your client. 

  • After knowing your customers you can create content accordingly. 

  • For example, if your visitors are generally teens you must focus on frequent updates, and stuff that is trending.

  •  Try to include less text and more images and videos.

  • Step 3- conduct keyword research- 

Keyword research is important because it helps you to rank your content on Google. Adding keywords to your blog helps the readers easily find your website.

After having a list of good content topics it's time for relevant keyword research and to figure out the best keywords for your content. 

For example, if your blog is on toys for kids you can use keywords such as toys for kids, toys for children, toys for 1-year-old kids, etc. 

Always keep in mind two important things while conducting keyword research that is Google traffic and low competition.

Various tools can help you to find appropriate keywords for your website such as - Moz keyword explorer, Google keyword planner, keywordtool.io, and ubersuggest.io. 

  • Step 4- create meaningful and interesting content- 

Once you gain knowledge about your audience and which keywords are ranking in your genre you can plan accordingly.  Try to keep your content easy to read and TO THE POINT, focusing on the main topic you want to cover. While writing your content make sure to proofread it thoroughly and try including relevant examples to make it more understandable.

  • Step5- create an editorial calendar - 

So now you are clear with your target. You can start to build out an editorial calendar which is a schedule that indicates when you will publish new content and what type of content it will be.

This will not only help you to stick to a regular schedule but also prevent you from struggling to come up with a topic for new content at the last minute.

  • Step 6- Analyse and reassess- 

Keep checking the analytics of your site regularly. Analyze your SEO content to see what is working for your website in the best possible way. Measures that can be successful and engaging for your website are page views, comments, links, conversion rates, etc. Follow these two steps for analyzing: 

  1. Study the strategies that worked for your site and repeat them.

  2. Carve out time for updating and improving your SEO content. 

SEO Content Best Practices

1)  Understand the Objective Of the Content and Create a List Of Topics - 

It's very important to understand the main objective of your content because if you are unsure of why you are writing on a particular topic you cannot expect your audience to read that too. 

So before hiring content writers make sure that you understand the clear motive of the content and after that create a list of topics that you want to cover on your website.  Once the list is prepared gather the correct information from authentic sources and write accordingly.

2) Headline -

The headline of any article or topic is the very first thing a reader looks for, so instead of spending all the time creating a quality Content focus on crafting the perfect headline which is catchy and appealing and conveys a special message which binds the reader to click on that particular post. Your heading tags should be well-structured for readers. 

  • In order to rank your title in Google, you must optimize your title. Moz resource on title tags can help you to do so.

  • Try to include numbers on your headline because it gets shared more on social media platforms and attracts the attention of the readers. For eg- 8 best practices for project management!

  •  Such headlines create curiosity and readers invest their time in reading your content and browsing your website in the future.

3) Writing Content -

You must consistently update your site because the major reason why people search for topics on Google is that they are looking for the latest content.

Tips for Writing Content- 

  • The introduction that comes right after the headline should be very informative and must include at least one of your targeted keyword phrases.

  • Your content should be unique and must provide the correct information that the reader wants, for which you must first understand your reader's preferences.

4) Meta Description - 

Your page title and meta description are two of the most important meta tags on your page. The meta description is a summary of a page in SERPs.

 It is displayed below the title tag which does not directly impact search rankings but can influence click-through rates. 

Here are the three reasons why you should use meta description- 

  1. Bolded keywords appear in search results.

  1. Top social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Plus, etc use it.

  1. Many networks like Digg, Bizsugar, and My SEO Community use the meta description.

How to include meta descriptions on your page

Answer-  You can easily install the All in one SEO pack which is simple and free if you are using WordPress on a self-hosted domain. 

5) Keyword Frequency-  

Keyboard frequency refers to how many times your keyword appears in your blog. It is important to create content that is extremely relevant to a particular key phrase. You can use keyword phrases 4 times within your content 

It is very important to keep in mind that the location of your keyword is more important than the frequency of how many times you use it. 

Where should your keyword appear? 


Answer- Your keyword must appear in- 

  • Your URL

  • In H1 and H2 tags.

  • Your title tag and,

  • The first 100 words of your page.

While adding keywords you must also keep in mind that you don't stuff them unnecessarily so it is recommended to use your keyword only once in your title.

6) Internal Linking-  

Internal links help your users to find related content on your site. It refers to a link on a page that points to another page on the same website.

It allows people to navigate through the website and test the search engines that the page is relevant for that particular keyword phrase, which is why it is also recommended to use at least 4-to 5  internal links for every post or blog that you publish.

7) User Experience-  

Lastly, user experience matters the most. If a user is satisfied with your website he or she will visit your website more often which will not only increase the traffic to your website but also the goodwill. A happy and satisfied customer is always an asset for any website. 

How to enhance user engagement -

  • Follow the above steps to increase engagement. 

  • Use relevant keywords. 

  • It is also found that storytelling has been a major reason for the exponential growth of companies like Facebook, Netflix, Google, etc.

How to validate your SEO-based content?

It is always a constant battle to keep the rankings of your website high. Every SEO specialist feels overwhelmed to see the outcome of their efforts but you should never look for shortcuts in the future.

Some important SEO tasks you should validate now- 

  • Keep a unique and relevant title tag on your website.

  • Clean your site of duplicate content.

  • Write a meta description with less than 160 characters.

  • Keep the URL as short as possible.

  • Define a core keyword for each page

  • Always go for a website audit after and before implementing SEO strategies.

  • Avoid harmful or inappropriate links to keep your profile clean.

  • Focus on your audience's demographics.

  • Monitor your site's indexation status. 

  • Optimize your site for a fast load speed time.

SEO Content KPI


SEO content KPIs ( key performance indicators ) are values used by the marketing teams to measure the performance of their website for organic search results which helps in determining top-performing pages, top-converting keywords, etc. 

Here are some critical KPIs you should keep in mind- 

  • Organic traffic- goal completions and conversions.

  • Keyword ranking increase.

  • Conversions/ leads

  • Bounce rate

  • Session/ pages

  • Average session duration

  • Page load time

  • The lifetime value of your users.

  • A total number of organic clicks.

  • Mobile usability reports

  • Accelerated mobile pages.

  • Metadata

  • Top exit pages

  • Crawl errors

These KPIs are objective metrics that help to measure and give clarity to the success of a given website or organization.


  1. It's one of the most value packed and to the point blog on SEO. hat's off to you Shambhavi Gupta. Thank you so much for this amazing piece of content ✨


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